Tuesday 24 September 2013

Have we forgotten the importance of telling people about Jesus?

I remember awhile ago someone said to me:
It is almost impossible for people to get saved outside of church.
My question is: why? what is that actually saying about Christians and our call to go out into the world and make disciples?
Have we forgotten that there is more to Christianity than the four walls of our church buildings? Have we forgotten that we dont need a pastor/ preacher and we dont need to have a Bible college degree in order to share with someone the Good News that is Jesus Christ?

I'll never forget a message I heard Christine Caine preach, in which she said "it's not that Satan has gotten any stronger, it's that the light has gone out." 

Friends, the only reason darkness seems to prevail these days is because we, the reflectors of Jesus' Light, are not shining the way we were always made to. We've surrendered our call for what's comfortable, we've compromised our beliefs to make the world comfortable, and we've elevated our church buildings and programs to the place of God.

Hear my heart on this. I love the Church. I love God's people. and I love the world. I don't love sin. I don't celebrate evil. But I love people. and I believe we need to go to where the people are. We can't wait for them to come into our churches. We can't wait for them to start asking us questions, only to reply 'come to church with me.'

If you know Jesus, then you have what you need. People need to know Jesus. They need to know His unconditional love and grace. They don't need a church service in order to get saved. They need a Christian to meet them where they're at, and tell them the Good News.

Go. Love. Tell people the Good News that is Jesus. Pray for people who are suffering. Share your story of God's Grace and Redemption in your life. Make disciples. Pray for salvation. Live your call.

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