Wednesday 12 February 2014

Dear Janna...

Dear Janna,

I had a dream about you last night. I dreamt that I got to hold you in my arms, and rock you to sleep. I sang to you, and I told you over and over again that I love you. Because I wanted you to hear at least once in your life that somebody loves you. Somebody wants you. Somebody cares about you enough to pray every single day for your forever family to finally find you. 
Baby-girl, I know it’s been so long. And I don’t understand why God still hasn’t led them to you and got you out of that institution where you spend your days lying in a crib while your body wastes away. But someday, I know it’s all going to make sense. Someday, you’re going to be first. Because that’s how it works in the Kingdom of God. All the last shall be first. I’m still hoping and praying that you know what it’s like to be first in someone’s life here on earth. 
Know that I would give up everything if it meant I could bring you home and show you the love of a family. But if that day doesn’t come – if they don’t find you, then baby, I will put my hope in God anyway. I will put my trust in knowing He sees you and cares for you, and has a place prepared especially for you.
 In my dream, you looked at me and smiled… And can I tell you, that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You’re going to smile like that someday, sweetie. You’re going to run and laugh and dance, and I pray that happens here on this earth as well, but if it doesn't, I hold tight to the truth that when you’re with Jesus, everything will be new. Your body will fully and completely do what it was supposed to. You will know for all eternity you are loved and wanted and adored. And your days – they’ll be filled with meaning and purpose and Christ, health, and all the fullness that comes from eternity in His presence.

I love you, baby- girl. I haven’t stopped praying for you. Jesus is with you – don’t give up.


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