Monday 27 January 2014

A jumble of thoughts and time for a break

Some seasons just require a healing time ya know... A time to be filled up, a time to reflect on all I have been learning, a time to grieve and let myself feel the hurt, and continue walking forward towards Jesus, and with Him to all the new places He's taking me.
So, I'm taking a little break from blogging. I hate doing that, but I have learned that we cannot give out of what we do not have. So, I will be back. Soon. But I just need a little while to breathe... Feel... Live...

On that note, I'll leave you with a few things I've been listening to and pondering. They've been challenging me, comforting me, and convicting me.

Audrey Assad - I shall not want.

Audrey Assad - Good to me

And this quote from an Erynn Mangum book:

"A need does not constitute a call."

See You Soon! xoxo

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