Friday 27 September 2013

Good vs. God

One of my goals for this year was to take the God-opportunities, not the good ones. When I wrote that down, I honestly did not even know what it meant. I knew it was referring to big opportunities, but I dont usually get a whole lot of opportunities and I was sure that whatever I did get were always from God.

As the year progressed (can you believe we're at the end of September already!?), things happened and sure enough I was offered with some big opportunities. And yet, I've turned most of them down. Why? Because although they were very good, they weren't God.

Recently, I had a job interview for an incredible job. This job had all the things I was looking for and seemed totally perfect, and yet, I didn't have peace. It was a good opportunity, actually, a great one, but it wasn't a God-thing.

I cant even begin to express how frustrating that was. I cant explain how frustrating it has been to have the opportunities to get to know some great guys in hopes of a relationship, and yet God has whispered 'wait.'

God, why? I dont understand. Dont You know how long I have waited for this, how much I want this?

Wait, daughter. Wait for opportunities from Me. Dont settle for second best.

I know today's culture talks about compromise, convinces us that sometimes we have to be flexible with our standards, but we cannot compromise our convictions. When God has cemented a standard, an expectation in your heart, you cannot let go of that easily.

It's hard to trust, but He knows the plans He has for us. He knows what He's doing. And though His timing seems so out of sync with the rest of the world, it is perfect.

Beloved, keep waiting. Wait for the God-opportunities, and when they come, dont look back.
Dont be fooled by the appearance of something. It doesn't matter how sweet it looks, how perfect it seems, if you don't have peace, dont do it.
And know it's not too late. God can redeem and use anything. 

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