Monday 16 December 2013

MLL: Christmas

Hello Precious,

Contrary to how it feels, I want you to know that Christmas is actually the reminder you are NOT alone – not now, not ever. I know the holidays can be such a lonely time without close family, or the love of your life that you’re still waiting for. But ultimately, Christmas is actually the reminder that there is a Love that will never leave. 
There is Hope that will never disappoint
There is Peace that surpasses any and all circumstances we face, or feelings we feel. 
Beloved, you are not alone. You are cherished, thought of, and cared for. Love has come for you and He wont pass you by. He goes by the Name of Jesus, and contrary to popular belief, all He cares about is you. Loving you. 
Protecting you. 
Being with you. 
He is not out to get you. 
He’s not mad at you for the things you have done wrong. He loves you and just wants to be included in your life. He will never leave you, no matter what you do or how unworthy you feel. 
You are not alone. There is hope for you. Good things are coming your way. 
This Christmas –let yourself be loved and cared for. Know that everything is going to be okay. You are NOT alone, my love. I’m praying for you – for a Christmas miracle in your life. 
Don’t give up. The best is yet to come.
I love you.

‘Go on and lift up your head, because Love is on the way, and it won’t pass you by. You just gotta reach out your hand, lift up your eyes.’ – Audrey Assad – Breaking You. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Jesus Loves me very much. He has never left me alone. I LOVE JESUS.

    Thanks for the reminder, Rebekkah. Merry Christmas and a glorious New Year to you.
