Sunday 16 June 2013


Yesterday, I read this fantastic blog that talked about the importance, power, and practicalities of having a word for our year. So after taking some time to pray and think about it, I believe God is telling me my word for the remainder of this year is

To follow close upon; go with... to chase after SomeOne... To seek to become acquainted with. 

Coincidentally, or maybe God planned it this way all along, this has also been the theme at church for the last month. I believe God has spoken this word over me for a few reasons. 

The first serving to remind me that before anything and in anything I need to pursue Him. 

The second being to remind me to stop pursuing the 'perfect Church' and instead, throw myself wholeheartedly into the Church He has placed me in for now. 

The third being to remind me to stop pursuing my own glory, and start pursuing His Glory instead. Any praise I receive is all fleeting anyway. I appreciate it, sure, but in the end, all that matters is that lives are changed and God is glorified. 

See, I have spent the last few months pursuing some things that just are not that great for me. And now I know, it's time to stop, rethink where I'm at and spend the rest of this year in pursuit. It's time to stop pursuing a relationship with a guy, and start pursuing Jesus and the purpose He has for me. I trust that everything else will fall into place. It's time to stop pursuing becoming 'recognized' and start pursuing living my dream of writing and counselling young girls. He'll make everything else happen when it's right. It's time for me to stop pursuing wrong trains of thought, and start pursuing a thought life that is healthy, pure, and grateful to God. 

It's time - to stop pursuing my own heart, and start pursuing His. It's time to stop chasing my own dreams, and start chasing the dreams He has for me. For I have learnt that He knows the desires of my heart, and when I seek Him first, all these things shall be added unto me.

The word pursuit has quite a few definitions, as seen above, but the definitions I have written define how I'm using this word. I want to follow close upon Jesus, go with Him... I want to chase after Him, seek to know Him more. I want to become acquainted with Him, captivated by Him, close to Him. 

This is my season for the rest of 2013 - pursuing Him and not myself... My question to you is - do you have a word for this year? and if not, would you consider letting God show you a word?

p.s. Don't forget to comment and let me know what your one word is :) 


  1. this is really good, i wish you much success on your endeavor :) you have a beautiful outlook on life. my words for the year are perseverance, spontaneous and freedom.

  2. Awesome! Such great words they are :) Thanks for your comment!
